Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
bean feasa fortune-teller
" " Lean an lá ar aghaidh ar scor ar bith, agus ar a laghad tháinig cinéiseolaí agus bean le bláthleigheasanna Bach, agus bean feasa a léigh duilleoga an tae a raibh an-tóir uirthi.
bean feasa fortune-teller
" Gluais • Glossary carógblack-haired woman airdheed míchinniúintill fate caidéisinquisitiveness frigháireslight smile ní shamhlófáyou wouldn't imagine cár go cluaisgrin to the ears go réchúiseachin a laidback way geolánfan glinnclear, distinct a dhallfadh thúwhich would blind you ceirdtrade an rud ar dheacra greim a fháil airthe thing that was difficult to get hold of súimínsip fiosrúinvestigating ar a thóirlooking for him geoindrone, hum boladh a allais féin chuigethe smell of his own sweat coming to him cuideachtacompany leigheassolution díbholaíochdeodarant ceist oidhreachtaquestion of inheritance os cionn cláirlaid out (dead) uisce reoiteiced water a thuairimseanhis opinion prochógahovels drochfháistinebad prophecy buagift tairbhebenefit ar nós cuma liomindifferently a shúile sáite i ngile na cathrach amuighhis eyes staring at the whiteness of the city outside marfachdeadly ag dul don éag mar cháchgoing the way of all flesh beathalivelihood bean feasafortune-teller go frimhagúilmockingly ag ceilt na seanscéine uirthihiding the old terror from her beag beann ar bhrothallindifferent to heat anamsoul an dea-scéalthe good news an drochscéalthe bad news á pholladhstabbing him a ghéaga leata faoi chosa an domhainhis legs open under the feet of the world
bean feasa na gclós ársa wise woman of the ancient yards
" Anois siúlaim leat i gcaorán na bhfuiseog is éistim le monabhar abhna do bhriathra ó Bhéal an Áthaagus cuirim mo bheola le do chneas atá cumhra, a ghrá, le sméara dubha Ghleann an Átha …i dtobainne, tá mé lán díot, a mhian, is níl a dhath le déanamh agam ach luí síos leat go dianar leaba seo an dáin agus tú a bhriatharú chun beatha … Gluais • Glossary glao coiligh a póigethe rooster call of her kiss mullaightop of house buí-ómrayellow-amber bruth análahot breathing múr teasabank of heat cága callánachanoisy jackdaws á ngríosúinciting them a ngiúmaráilhumouring them go breabhsántasprightly meall gréineorb cabhail chathrachcity body spréite go hanástaspread awkwardly tnáitejaded basár a brollaighthe bazaar of her bosom ag borradhswelling dlaoithe casacurly tresses cabhsaí dúshlánachachallenging lanes á gclutharú féinhiding themselves méalasorrow buairtvexation cruachásdistress ag déanamh tochtagrieving silently an tréanthe strong ag tromaíocht ar an truadenigrating the wretch meannánkid méileachbleating scrínteshrines bean feasa na gclós ársawise woman of the ancient yards dhorchaigh spéir a súlthe sky of her eyes darkened ceannaircrevolt a d’fheall orthuwhich failed them boige paidrethe softness of prayer le báinífurious bhruth bréan bildeálathe foul heat of the building site ag déanamh angaidhfestering i bhforógraí bagracha lucht léirsithein the threatening proclamations of the demonstrators bhachlógachindistinct siogairlínípendants glémhaiseachexquisitely beautiful go ríogúilregally teanga túisetongue of incense ag clingireachtringing bantracht bheoshúileachthe quickeyed women le coim na hoícheat nightfall ag spréamh cheannbhrat glé an dorchadaisspreading the bright canopy of darkness bioráinpins ag lonrúshining clóca sróilcloak of satin aigeantaspirited buimefoster-mother deoch shuainsleeping-draft spréachspark súgachmerry ag glinniúintsparkling tú a mhuirniúto caress you linntepools cumhaloneliness le tú a aoibhnniúto make you blissful ionúinbeloved másaíthighs a niamhraigh mo dhánwho made resplendent my poem i gcaorán na bhfuiseogin the bog of the larks monabharmurmur chneasskin cumhrafragrant miandesire