Seo mar a scríobh an Dochtúir George Douglas, Stiúrthóir ar Grosse Isle faoin bád seo, 25ú Bealtaine 1847:
*"On mustering the passengers for inspection yesterday, it was found that 106 were ill of fever, including nine of the crew, and the large number of 158 had died on the passage, including the first and second officers and seven on the crew, and the master and the steward dying, the few that were able to come on deck were ghastly yellow looking spectres, unshaven and hollow cheeked, and, with exception, the worst looking passengers I have ever seen;"* (‘The Famine Ships’ le Edward Laxton, 1996)
Leacht Cuimhneacháin
Ag an
Leacht Cuimhneacháin a rinne Éamonn Ó Dochartaigh (nach maireann) a bhí an deasghnáth.