Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
go cúil an spruadair to the refuse dump
" * Gluais • Glossary áilleagántrinket farasbarrsurplus seoidjewel conúsrubbish go cúil an spruadairto the refuse dump giollaí na leisceidle people gamailllouts glugaithesoft, flabby people ceannlitreachacapital letters cuidsúlachtbeauty scéimhebeauty A Rí na bhfeart!O, almighty God! caifeachwasteful ba í mo thríú huaireadóir íit was my third watch glacgrasp mo chuislemy pulse bhuaileadh mo chroí níos gaistemy heart used to beat more quickly nuair a mhothaínnwhen I used to feel mo phusmy face cad chuige a mbacfadh sí .