Pota Focal Intergaelic
ár | A | acr | aer | air
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
aonraigh aontaigh aontaithe aontas aos aosta ápa ar ár Arabach árachas aralt araltas arán araon áras árasán ard ardaigh ardaitheoir ardán
ar chas leis?
did you meet him?
an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead
the person to whom the money was given
'an ólfaidh sibh braon tae?' ar sise
'will you have a drop of tea?' she said
on physical surface
ar chlúdach na hirise
on the cover of the magazine
ar an tábla
on the table
at point in time
ar a trí a chlog
at three o'clock
on wearing clothes
bhí hata orm
I was wearing a hat
under obligation
orm na soithí a
I have to wash the dishes
beidh ort labhairt léi arís
you will have to talk to her again
cúram na n-othar orm
it is my duty to care for the patients
dualgas orm a chosaint
I have a duty to protect you
[rud] ag [A] ar [B]
[B] owes [A] [something]
deich euro agam ort
you owe me ten euro
in a condition, state or illness
cad atá ort? - slaghdán, sílim
what's wrong with you? - a cold, I think
ocras orm
I am hungry
an bhfuil eagla ort?
are you afraid?
having name, number or other label
cén t-ainm atá ort?
what is your name?
cad é an sloinne atá ort?
what is your surname?
cén uimhir atá ar an teach?
what is the number of the house?
uimhir a deich atá ar an bhus
the bus number is ten
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
an t-ádh ar [dhuine]
[somebody] is lucky
bhí an t-ádh orm go bhfuair an post
I was lucky that I got the job
tagann [rud] aniar aduaidh ar [dhuine]
[something] surprises [someone]
tháinig an scéal aniar aduaidh orm
that news surprised me
[buntáiste] ag [A] ar [B]
[A] has [advantage] over [B]
trí bliana agat orm
you are three years older than me
you are three years ahead of me
tugann [duine] aghaidh ar [áit]
[somebody] sets out for [somewhere]
[somebody] heads for [somewhere]
chaith seal i bPáras sular thug aghaidh ar Mheiriceá
he spent some time in Paris before he headed to America
...sular thug siad aghaidh ar a dtithe murtallacha sna bruachbhailte
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
...before they went to their dull houses in the suburbs
aiféala ar [dhuine]
[somebody] regrets
aiféala orm faoi na rudaí a rinne i mo shaol
I regret the things I've done in my life
[rud] ar aigne ag [duine]
[somebody] has [something] in mind
cad atá ar aigne agat?
what do you have in mind?
[xyz] an t-ainm atá ar [dhuine]
[xyz] is [somebody's] name
Micheál an t-ainm atá orm
my name is Micheál
cén t-ainm atá ort?
what is your name?
cén t-ainm atá ar an bhaile sin?
what is that town called?
tugann [duine] aird ar [rud]
[somebody] pays attention to [something]
níor thug mórán airde air
I didn't pay much attention to it
amanna, tugann na meáin aird ar na cásanna sin, amanna eile thugann
sometimes the media pay attention to those cases, other times they don't
aird [duine] ar [rud]
's attention is on [something]
is the focus of
's attention
aird idirnáisiúnta ar na leabhair
the books are the focus of international attention
ar ais
tháinig siad ar ais
they came back
seo duit do chuid airgid ar ais
here is your money back
thosaigh daoine ag filleadh ar ais abhaile
people started returning home
níl ort an fiche punt sin a íoc ar ais liom
you don't have to pay me the twenty pounds back
shiúil siad ar ais go dtí an áit as a raibh siad tar éis teacht
they walked back to the place from which they had come
tar ar ais anseo i gceann coicíse
come back here in two weeks' time
níl ach díreach tagtha ar ais
I only just came back
bhí san ospidéal, ach ar ais sa bhaile anois
he was in hospital but he is back at home now
fíordheas a bheith ar ais
it is really nice to be back
fáilte ar ais
welcome back
ar ais arís
back again
glaoigh ar ais arís, le do thoil
call back again, please
droim ar ais
back to front
aithne ag [A] ar [B]
[A] knows [B]
an bhfuil aithne agat ar Phól?
do you know Paul?
aithne agam ar do bhean chéile
I know your wife
aithne agat ar gach éinne, mar sin?
you know everybody, then?
bhí aithne acu ar a chéile
they knew each other
níl agam air ach ríomhaithne
I only know him through the Internet
seanaithne agamsa uirthi
I've known her long time
[A] ar aithne [B]
[B] knows [A]
fear atá ar m'aithne
a man I know
cuireann [duine] aithne ar [rud]
[somebody] gets to know [something]
cuir aithne ar Ghaeltacht Dhún na nGall
get to know the Donegal Gaeltacht
déanann [X] aithris ar [Y]
[X] imitates [Y]
éisteann siad le hainmhithe agus déanann siad aithris orthu
they listen to animals and they imitate them
amharc ar [rud]
watch [something]
look at [something]
ar mhaith leat amharc ar an teilifís?
would you like to watch television?
beireann [A] barróg ar [B]
tugann [A] barróg do [B]
[A] gives [B] a hug
[A] hugs [B]
rug barróg air
she gave him a hug
thug barróg dom a bhí lán de chroí
he gave me a heartfelt hug
ar [do] bhealach
on [your] way
bhí muid ar ár mbealach go tuaisceart na Gearmáine
we were on our way to North Germany
sa bhealach ar [X]
in [X's] way
sa bhealach orm
you're in my way
féidir liom an túr a fheiceáil, cnoc sa bhealach orm
I can't see the tower, a hill is in my way
ar bhealach
in a way
ar bhealach, bhí sásta go raibh an cogadh thart, gur chaill muid é
in a way, I was happy the war was over, even though we lost
Is é ar an focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 38 focal.
Ar is the 3rd most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 38 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
oíche amháin mhothaigh go raibh á thachtadh agus thit ina chnap ar an urlár
one night he felt he was choking and fell in a heap on the floor
ar mhaith leat alt a scríobh?
would you like to write an article?
is beag aischothú a fuair scríbhneoirí áirithe ar a gcuid blaganna
some writers got very little feedback on their blogs
déanann an comhlacht táirgí áirithe a chur chun cinn ar mhargadh na hÉireann
the company promotes certain products on the Irish market
cogadh a fhearadh ar an domhan mór, go háirithe ar thíortha a raibh ola acu
to wage war against the whole world, especially against countries that had oil
cuma na maitheasa ar an óstán, cuirimis in áirithe é
the hotel looks good, let's book it
bhí ag breathnú ar an doras amhail is go bhféadfadh an t-áibhirseoir féin teacht isteach nóiméad ar bith
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
he was looking at the door as if the devil himself could come in any minute
ar imigh abhaile fós?
did you go home yet?
ar bhruach na habhann
on the bank of the river
ar dhá thaobh na habhann
on both sides of the river
seo chugat an t-ábhar le cur ar an suíomh Gréasáin
this is the content to put on the website
chuir said ábhar léitheoireachta ar fáil
they made reading material available
ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ar an ábhar seo
I would like to say something on this matter
an bhfuil aon tuairim agat ar an ábhar seo?
do you have any opinion on this matter?
is í an mhatamaitic an t-ábhar is ansa liom ar scoil
my favourite subject at school is mathematics
sin iomlán m'eolais ar an ábhar
that is the total extent of my knowledge on the subject
sochaí í seo a chuireann béim an-láidir ar nithe ábhartha
this is a society which places a lot of emphasis on material things
is fearr liom an leabhar ábhartha ar an tseilf an leabhtar leictreonach
I prefer a material book on the shelf than an electronic book
bhíodh nuachtáin na Breataine ar díol sna siopaí abhus
British newspapers didn't use to be on sale in shops here
leagtar srianta ar an nGobharnóir de bhua Acht an Bhainc Ceannais
the Governor is subject to limitations by virtue of the Central Bank Act
thug siad scoil agus léann domh ar feadh a n-acmhainne
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
they gave me as much education as they could afford
bhí adharca fada ar an ainmhí
the animal had long horns
rinneadh athchóiriú ar an chaisleán agus an adhmadóireacht an-deas
the castle has been renovated and the woodwork is very nice
d'fhan fionnuaire éadrom san aer a chuir dinglis ar a craiceann agus faobhar ar a cruthaíocht
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
a light coolness lingered in the air which tingled her skin and sharpened her creativity
casadh ar a chéile iad i dtábhairne aerach
they met in gay bar
an t-agallamh ar siúl ar a a chlog
the interview is at two o'clock
bhris meangadh gáire amach ar aghaidh an fháilteora
a smile broke out on the receptionist's face
bhí slua mór daoine bailithe timpeall an agus dreach an bhróin ar a n-aghaidh
a large crowd of people was gathered around the house with looks of sadness on their faces
tháinig dreach imníoch ar aghaidh na máthar
mother started looking worried
tháinig 10,000 duine amach ar na sráideanna in agóid in éadan an fhoiréigin
10,000 people came out on the streets in protest against the violence
bhí siad ar léirisú i gcoinne an fhoréigin
they were protesting against violence
eolas breise ar fáil in Aguisín A
additional information is available in Appendix A
tar éis an aighnis ar fad, d'éirigh linn teacht ar réiteach
after all the argument, we managed to come to a settlement
níl aon leigheas éasca ar an ailse
there is no easy cure for cancer
ar aimsigh an áit?
did you find the place?
beag an baol go n-aimseoidh rud ar bith ansin
slim chance she will find anything there
na gunnaí aimsithe ar an doras acu
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
they have their guns pointed at the door
feabhas ar an aimsir
the weather has improved
cuma na báistí ar an aimsir
it looks like rain
ar cuireadh in aithne chéile sibh?
have you been introduced?
an bhean is áille ar domhan
the most beautiful woman in the world
ar mhaith leat bualadh le chéile amárach?
would you like to meet tomorrow?
ba cheart Gaeilge mhaith a bheith ag an atá ag iarraidh poist ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
anybody looking for a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta should speak good Irish
ba chóir Gaeilge mhaith a bheith ag an atá ag iarraidh poist ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
anybody looking for a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta should speak good Irish
athrú polasaí ar na bacáin
a change of policy is on its way
bhagair díoltas ar an
he threatened the king with revenge
chaith siad an ar fad ag baint móna
they spent the whole day cutting turf
ar bhain sult as?
did you get enjoyment from it?
did you enjoy it?
níl ábalta barántas ar bith a thabhairt
I can't give any guarantees
ghabh timpiste dúinn ar an bhealach go hÉirinn
an accident happened to us on the way to Ireland
ar na bealaí telifíse
on the TV channels
chuir a lámh ar bhéalóg an ghutháin
he covered the receiver with his hand
chuir béalóg ar an mhadra
he put a muzzle on the dog