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aontaithe aontas aos aosta ápa ar ár Arabach árachas aralt araltas arán araon áras árasán ard ardaigh ardaitheoir ardán ardchaighdeán ardchathair
ar nós
such as
in the manner of
ar nós [ruda]
like [something]
d'imigh ar nós na gaoithe
she left like the wind
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
ar aon nós
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
Bhí de nós againn dul ag spaisteoireacht ar bhruacha na Life.
We used to go for walks on the banks of the Liffey.
ag cur allais ar nós na muice.
I am sweating like a pig.
Anuas ar sin, thig éalú ó ghnáthchúraimí an tsaoil a thiteann ar dhuine, ar nós airgead a thuilleamh clann a thógáil.
'Beo!', beo.ie
In addition to that, you cannot escape from the ordinary responsiblities life throws at you such as making money or raising a family.
bheifeá ag súil leis an doimhneacht chéanna tuairimíochta uathu is a bheadh ó phostálacha níba fhaide ar nós blag colún ar líne.
'Beo!', beo.ie
You wouldn't expect the same opiniated depth from them as you would from longer posts such as blogs or online columns.
siad ag maireachtáil ar bhia folláin ar nós iasc agus glasraí
they live on healthy food such as fish and vegetables
iompraíonn siad iad féin ar nós mba leosan an áit
they act as if they owned the place