Pota Focal Intergaelic
bar | bara | barb | bard | barr-
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baracáid baraiméadar baráiste barántas barántúil bard bardach barr barra barrachas barraíocht barrloisc barróg barúil barún bás básaigh Bascach bascaed básmhar bástcóta
barr an leathanaigh
top of the page
ag barr an chnoic
at the top of the hill
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
bar of iron etc
de bharr
because of
as a result
de bharr [ruda]
because of [something]
as a result of [something]
cuireadh an turas ar ceal de bharr drochaimsire
the tour was cancelled because of bad weather
de bharr
because of
Is é barr an 263ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 3,203 focal.
Barr is the 263th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 3,203 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
raibh muid ábalta an teach a fhágáil de bharr na báistí
we couldn't leave the house because of the rain
siad san abar de bharr na ráiteas atá déanta acu
they are in trouble because of the statements they made
an teach ag barr an chnoic.
The house is at the top of the hill.
déanann féin an stair de bharr do chinntí, do thuairimí agus do bhearta
you yourself make history wth your decisions, your opinions and your actions
d'éirigh liom an barr a bhaint amach
I managed to reach the top
theip orm an barr a bhaint amach
I failed to reach the top
muid tréigthe anseo ar bharr an tsléibhe
we are abandoned here at the top of the mountain
Cad atá scríofa ag barr an leathanaigh?
What is written at the top of the page? What does it say at the top of the page?
Déanann féin an stair de bharr do chinntí, do thuairimí agus do bhearta.
You yourself make history with your decisions, your opinions and your actions.
Bhí dreach dorcha uaigneach ar na cnoic agus scamall ceo ina luí ar bharr an tsléibhe.
The hills looked dark and lonely with a cloud of fog lying on the top of the mountain.
Suas liom go seomra 1026 ar bharr an .
'Beo!', beo.ie
Up I went to room 1026 at the top of the house.
De bharr na bhforbairtí seo bhí bosca uirlisí cumarsáide ag an saoránach a thug deis feidhmiú mar iriseoir ar bhonn domhanda agus ar bheagán costais.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Because of these developments, the citizen now had a toolbox that gave him the chance to function as a journalist, globally and at little cost.
I mbarr a gutha, ghlaoigh :...
'Beo!', beo.ie
At the top of her voice, she called:...
Bhí le hoibrithe chun an talamh a ghlanadh agus na bairr a chur, a bhaint, agus a iompar.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Workers were needed to clear the land and to plant, harvest and carry the crops.
de bharr an méid eolais atá le fáil
because of the amount of information available