Pota Focal Intergaelic
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maisitheoir maisiúchán maisiúil maistín máistir máistreacht máistrigh maith maithe maitheamh maitheas maithiúnas máithreachas mál mala mála malairt malartaigh malartán malartú mall
is leabhar maith é
it is a good book
an tuarastal maith
an tuarastal go maith
the salary is good
déanta go maith agat
you have done it well
[duine] go maith
[somebody] is well
[somebody] is fine
conas atá ? go maith
how are you? I am fine
an bhfuil go maith?
are you well?
is maith [rud] le [duine]
[somebody] likes [something]
is maith liom carranna gasta
I like fast cars
maith leis snagcheol
he doesn't like jazz
an maith leat bheith ag taisteal?
do you like traveling?
ba mhaith [rud] le [duine]
[somebody] would like [something]
ba mhaith liom cupán tae, le do thoil
I would like a cup of tea please
níor mhaith liom bheith i mo chónaí ann
I wouldn't like to live there
ar mhaith leat aon rud eile?
would you like anything else?
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
chomh maith
as well
ceartaithe agam ar an suíomh Gréasáin chomh maith
I have corrected it on the website as well
bhuail leis an Taoiseach, agus bhuail leis an Uachtarán chomh maith
I met the Prime Minister, and I met the President as well
chomh maith le
as well as
muid ag athchúrsáil cannaí agus buidéal, chomh maith le gnáthbhruscar
we are recycling cans and bottles, as well as ordinary rubbish
FORM OF: maith
is fearr le [duine] [A] ([B])
[somebody] prefers [A] (to [B])
is fearr liom tae láidir
I prefer strong tea
is fearr linn fanacht i mbrúnna in óstáin
we prefer staying in hostels then in hotels
b'fhearr le [duine] [A] ([B])
[somebody] would rather [A] (than [B])
b'fhearr linn dul ar saoire sa gheimhreadh
we'd rather go on holiday in the winter
arbh fhearr leat cupán tae?
would you prefer a cup of tea?
nárbh fhearr leat dul áit éigin eile?
wouldn’t you rather go somewhere else?
Is é maith an 35ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 393 focal.
Maith is the 35th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 393 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
is maith is cuimhin liom taisteal go Illinois as Éirinn uair amháin
I well remember travelling to Illinois from Ireland once
b'fhearr don aistritheoir amháin an téacs a léamh go cúramach ach roinnt taighde a dhéanamh chomh maith
the translator should not only read the text carefully but do a bit of research as well
sláinte an choirp amháin a bhí i gceist aige ach sláinte na haigne chomh maith
he meant not only health of the body but also health of the mind
ar mhaith leat alt a scríobh?
would you like to write an article?
is maith an scéal bleachtaireachta é ina dtarlaíonn an dúnmharú sa chéad alt
it's a good detective story if the murder happens in the first paragraph
ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ar an ábhar seo
I would like to say something on this matter
is fearr liom an leabhar ábhartha ar an tseilf an leabhtar leictreonach
I prefer a material book on the shelf than an electronic book
an bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith agat?
can you speak Irish well?
ba mhaith liom agallamh a chur ort
I would like to interview you
tiontaíonn siad cúis mhaith ina ceap áiféise
they turn a good cause into an object of ridicule
is breá liom luí faoin ngrian nuair a bhíonn an aimsir go maith
I love to lie under the sun when the weather is good
an bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa gceantar sin?
are there good facilities in that area?
áiseanna maithe i gcomhair na bpáistí sa cheantar seo
this area has great facilities for children
ba mhaith liom a chur in aithne don Uachtarán
I would like to introduce you to the President
ba mhaith liom féin a chur in aithne dóibh
I would like to introduce myself to them
ar mhaith leat bualadh le chéile amárach?
would you like to meet tomorrow?
ar mhaith leat amharc ar an teilifís?
would you like to watch television?
ar mhaith leat dul ansin?
would you like to go there?
go raibh maith agat as teacht anocht
thank you for coming tonight
go raibh maith agat as ucht do theachtaireachta
thank you for your message
maith liom athruithe
I don't like changes
ba cheart Gaeilge mhaith a bheith ag an atá ag iarraidh poist ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
anybody looking for a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta should speak good Irish
ba cheart go mbeadh Gaeilge mhaith ag an a chaith an oiread sin ama sa Ghaeltacht
anybody who spent so much time in the Gaeltacht should speak good Irish
ba chóir Gaeilge mhaith a bheith ag an atá ag iarraidh poist ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
anybody looking for a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta should speak good Irish
ba chóir go mbeadh Gaeilge mhaith ag an a chaith an oiread sin ama sa Ghaeltacht
anybody who spent so much time in the Gaeltacht should speak good Irish
ba mhaith liom pionta beorach, le do thoil
I'd like a pint of beer please
beoir na Seice an bheoir is fearr ar domhan
Czech beer is the best in the world
ba mhaith liom bheith sa bhaile
I would like to be at home
is maith leis súgradh lena chuid bréagán
he likes playing with his toys
is maith liom cabhrú le daoine
I like helping people
cad ba mhaith leat?
what would you like?
cad é ba mhaith leat?
what would you like?
ar mhaith leat cupán caife?
would you like a cup of coffee?
maith liom a chuid cainte
I don't like his talk
I don't like what he says
maith liom bheith ag caint go poiblí
I don't like speaking in public
is maith an cainteoir poiblí é
he is a good public speaker
ar mhaith leat lón a chaitheamh liom?
would you like to have lunch with me?
caithfidh Gaeilge mhaith a bheith agat le post a fháil ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
you must speak good Irish to get a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta
caithfidh go bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith agat nuair a fuair post ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
you must speak good Irish if you got a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta
acu ab fhearr leat, tae caife?
which would you prefer, tea or coffee?
ar mhaith leat deoch? - ceart go leor
would you like a drink? - okay
is maith liom cíocha móra
I like big tits
ba mhaith liom an leabhar seo a choimeád, más ceadmhach dom
I'd like to keep this book if I may
chuir comhairle mhaith ar na cailíní
she gave good advice to the girls
chuir siad a gcomhairlí i dteannta a chéile agus dúirt siad gurbh fhearr an duais a thabhairt
they put their heads togerther and said that he should be given the prize
mhaitheann dom é, rachaidh thar do chomhairle go deo arís
if you forgive me, I'll never disobey your advice again
ar mhaith leat craiceann a bhualadh liom?
would you like to have sex with me?
ar mhaith leat an crannchur a bhuachan?
would you like to win the lottery?
go raibh maith agat as é sin a chur i gcuimhne dom
thanks for reminding me that
cuma mhaith air
it looks good
maith liom daoine cúngaigeanta
I don't like narrow-minded people
bíonn a mhalairt fíor chomh maith, dar ndóigh
the opposite is often true too, of course
beirt de na múinteoirí is fearr in Albain
two of the best teachers in Scotland
ar mhaith leat deoch?
would you like a drink?
an tír is fearr ar domhan
the best country in the world
an foclóir is fearr sa domhan
the best dictionary in the world
ba maith liom dul áit éigin iargúlta
I would like to go somewhere remote
is maith liom siúlóidí fada sa dúlra
I like long walks in nature
ar mhaith leat deoch eile?
would you like another drink?
an maith leat bheith ag eitilt?
do you like flying?
ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur romhaibh go hÉirinn
I would like to welcome you to Ireland
go raibh maith agat - fáilte romhat
that you - you're welcome
b'fhearr fanacht as amharc
it would better to stay out of view
bhí frustrachas orainn mar gheall ar an easpa foclóirí maithe
we were frustrated because of the lack of good dictionaries
is fuath liom bheith ag campáil, is fearr liom óstáin
I hate camping, I prefer hotels
is maith liom a bheith ag garraíodóireacht
I like gardening
ar mhaith leat an t-ordú a chur ar ceal?
would you like to cancel the order?
maith liom a chuid cainte.
I don't like his talk. I don't like what he says.
mise go maith, agus tusa?
I am fine, and yourself?
mise go maith. Agus féin?
I am fine, and yourself?
Nach seo an foclóir is fearr ar domhan?
Isn't this the best dictionary in the world?
liacht focal a úsáideann is ea is fearr.
The more words you use the better.
Go raibh maith agat, slán.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
Thank you, good bye.
Tuigim. Go raibh maith agat.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
I understand. Thank you.
Go raibh maith agat. - fáilte romhat.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
Thank you. - You're welcome.
Go maith, go raibh maith agat.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Good, thanks.
mise go maith freisin!
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am well also!
An bhfuil tusa go maith?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Are you (yourself) well?
An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa gceantar sin?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Are there good facilities/conveniences in that area?
Ba mhaith liom síntiús a ghlacadh.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I would like to get a subscription.
Maith go leor.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Good enough.
mo bhean ag coinneáil go maith an babhta seo.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
My wife [who is expecting a child] is getting along well this time.
Ba mhaith liom teach a thógáil ar cíos ar feadh seachtaine i Aibreáin.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I would like to rent a house for a week in the month of April.
An maith leat é?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Do you like it?
Is maith liom an halla agus an seomra suite.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I like the hall and the sitting room.
An maith leat an teach?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Do you like the house?
B'fhearr liom teach le hinneall níocháin agus triomadóir ann.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I prefer a house with a washing machine and a dryer.
Réitím go maith leis na daoine eile.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I get along well with the other people.