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caisleán caismír caismirt caite caiteachas caith caitheamh caithfidh caithiseach cáithnín caitín Caitliceach Caitliceachas cál caladh calafort calaois callaire calóg calra cam
caithfidh [duine] [rud a dhéanamh]
[somebody] must [do something]
caithfidh imeacht anois
I have to leave now
caithfidh bheith dall le pinsean an daill a fháil
you must be blind to get the blind pension
caithfidh [rud] [a bheith amhlaidh]
[something] must [be the case]
caithfidh Gaeilge mhaith a bheith agat le post a fháil ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
you must speak good Irish to get a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta
caithfidh go [bhfuil rud amhlaidh]
[something] must [be the case]
caithfidh go bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith agat nuair a fuair post ar Raidió na Gaeltachta
you must speak good Irish if you got a job in Raidió na Gaeltachta
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
caithfidh a admháil go...
I must admit that...
caithfidh é a athdhéanamh
I must redo it
caithfidh dul go dtí an banc
I have to go to the bank
caithfidh muid brabús a bhaint
we have to make profit
caithfidh brostú
I have to hurry
ar an chéad dul síos, caithfidh a go bhfuil neamhchiontach
first of all, I must say that I am innocent
caithfidh muid do bhreithlá a cheiliúradh!
we have to celebrate your birthday!
caithfidh dul chuig dochtúir
I must go to see a doctor
caithfidh cloí leis na rialacha
you must adhere to the rules
caithfidh an cheist a fhiosrú
I need to look into the question
caithfidh na polaiteoirí gearradh siar ar a gcuid costas
the politicians must cut down their expenses
caithfidh imeacht anois
I need to go now
caithfidh go bhfuil do mhuintir bródúil asat
your family must be proud of you
a naoi a chlog, caithfidh dul ag obair
it is nine o'clock, I must go to work
caithfidh rud éigin a phlé leat
I need to discuss something with you
caithfidh muid an fhadhb a réiteach
we must solve the problem
caithfidh féin a réiteach don scrúdú
you must get ready for the exam
caithfidh táille a íoc as an tseirbhís
you have to pay a fee for the service
Caithfidh an dualgas a chomhlíonadh.
I must do my duty.
Caithfidh go bhfuil do mhuintir bródúil asat.
Your folks must be pround of you.
Caithfidh dul chuig dochtúir.
I must see a doctor.
Caithfidh imeacht anois.
I have to go now.
Caithfidh na polaiteoirí gearradh siar ar a gcuid costas.
The politicians must cut down on their expenses.
Caithfidh thíocht.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
You must come.
Caithfidh an doras a dhúnadh.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I need to close the door.
Caithfidh éirí go moch ar maidin.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I have to get up early in the morning.
Caithfidh imeacht, beidh deireanach.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I have to go, or I'll be late.
Caithfidh gur bhuail leo uair dhó, ó d'ith muid sna bialanna céanna.
'Beo!', beo.ie
I must have met them once or twice because we ate in the same restaurants.
Agus mba bhuama é, caithfidh gur cheann ollmhór é a phléascfadh an foirgneamh amach ar dhá thaobh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
And if it was a bomb, it must have been a huge one to explode out of the building on two sides.
Caithfidh go bhfuil deireadh an tsaoil ann.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
This must be the end of the world.
caithfidh fanacht sa bhaile mar sin
you must stay at home then
anois agus an táirge ar an saol, caithfidh muid tabhairt faoin mhargaíocht
now that the product exists, we must start marketing it
beagnach a naoi a chlog, caithfidh dul ar scoil
it's almost nine o'clock, I have to go to school
caithfidh muid dul sa seans agus triail a bhaint as
we need to take a chance and try it
caithfidh muid do shláinte a ól
we have to drink to your health
slán agat, a Phádraig, caithfidh imeacht
good-bye, Patrick, I have to go
caithfidh muid é a dhéanamh i gceart an uair seo
we must do it right this time