Pota Focal Intergaelic
ga | á | agá | G | gág
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
fuiseog fulaing fulaingt fungas furasta fusacht ga gabh gabha gabháil gabhal gabhar gabhdán gabhlóg gach gadaí gadaíocht gadhar Gaeilg Gaeilge
is [rud]
[something] is necessary
is a bheith fíorchúramach
it is necessary to be really careful
a go...
it is not necessary to say that..., it goes without saying that...
dúnfaidh muid an siopa más
we'll close the shop if necessary
is [rud] do [dhuine]
[somebody] needs [something]
duit fanacht go dtí an deireadh
you don't need to wait till the end
cathain is dom íocaíocht a dhéanamh?
when do I need to make payment?
ag [duine] le [rud]
[somebody] needs [something]
agam leis anois!
I need it now!
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Is é an 207ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 2,426 focal.
is the 207th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 2,426 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
duit seoladh a thabhairt, ach dhéanann amhlaidh, beidh muid in ann freagra pearsanta a thabhairt
you do not have to state your address but if you do so, we will be able to reply personally
an na leabhair a chur i gcló in Éirinn?
do the books have to be printed in Ireland?
is idirdhealú idir an rud
you need to distinguish between the two things
a go...
It is not necessary to say that... It goes without saying that...
duit seoladh a thabhairt, ach dhéanann amhlaidh, beidh muid in ann freagra pearsanta a thabhairt.
You do not have to state your address but if you do, we will be able to reply personally.
Deirtear go bhfuil le ceap milleáin ag gach grúpa.
They say every group needs somebody to blame.
Níor ghá gur thomhaltóirí nuachta iad an lucht léitheoireachta éisteachta a thuilleadh ach táirgeoirí a bheadh in inmhe a gcuid tuairiscí féin a bhailiú.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Readers and listeners did not have to be consumers of news anymore but producers who were able to collect their own reports.
raibh aon ghá le heagarthóir a thuilleadh le do leagan féin de cheird na hiriseoireachta a chleachtadh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
You didn't need an editor anymore to practise your own version of the journalistic trade.
Bhí le hoibrithe chun an talamh a ghlanadh agus na bairr a chur, a bhaint, agus a iompar.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Workers were needed to clear the land and to plant, harvest and carry the crops.