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person duine »
person pearsa »
Scottish person Albanach »
lame person bacach »
poor person bochtán »
left-handed person ciotóg »
right-handed person deasóg »
gentle person duine uasal »
old person seanduine »
old person seanóir »
beloved person stór »
lay person tuata »
Gaelic person Gael »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
duine amháin
one person
d'aimsigh duine eile a raibh taithí eitilte aige
he found another person who had flying experience
duine anabaí
an immature person
ann don duine sin
no such person exists
is mise an t-aon duine anseo
I am the only person here
an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead
the person to whom the money was given
duine cáiliúil
a famous person
an duine seo?
who is this person?
sin é an duine céanna
that's the same person
is duine ciallmhar é
he is a reasonable person
duine cineálta
a kind person
is duine cliste é
he's a smart person
an dara duine
the second person
an mise an duine deireanach?
am I the last person?
Duine an-deas is ea é.
He is a very nice person.
duine as Meiriceá i mo rang.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
There is a person from America in my class.
duine dífhostaithe
unemployed person
is eisean an duine is saibhre ar dhroim na talún
he is the richest person on the face of the world
duine as Corcaigh
a person from Cork
an duine sin?
who is that person?
bhí muid ag súil le triúr agus níor tháinig ach duine
we expected three but only one person came
an duine eile
the other person
duine geal
a white person
is iomaí duine sa tír seo nach léann leabhar ar bith ó cheann ceann na bliana
many a person in this country doesn't read a book the whole year
duine macánta
an honest person
scaip an scéal ó dhuine go duine
the news spread from person to person
duine óg
a young person
duine saibhir
a rich person
is seanduine anois
I am an old person now
chuir ceist ar an duine sin
I asked that person a question
labhair leis an duine eile.
Do not talk to the other person.
Seo an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead .
This is the person to whom the money was given.
Cad is ainm don duine sin?
What is that person's name?
Cén t-ainm atá ar an duine sin?
What is that person's name?
Is eisean an duine is saibhre ar dhroim na talún.
He is the richest person on the face of the earth.
Dia daoibh.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
Hello. [to greet more than one person]
Céad euro an duine sa tseachtain.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
One hundred euro per person per week.
Dhá chéad euro an duine sa tseachtain.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
Two hundred euro per person per week.
íocfaidh an binse as costais dlí a thiteann ar dhuine.
The tribunal will not pay for legal costs incurred by a person.
Níor bhuail le duine ba shleamhaine riamh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
I never met a more slippery person.
Seans gur fearr a fhóireann seirbhís mhicreabhlagála chineál don duine gnóthach atá ag iarraidh tuairimí a nochtadh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
A microblogging service of its kind [ie Twitter] is probably better suited to a busy person who wants to share his opinions.
I measc 60 duine ar an mbus, ba mise an t-aon duine den chine geal.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Among the 60 people on the bus, I was the only white person.