Pota Focal Intergaelic
ear | swear | war | weak | weal
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wear caith »
wear caitheamh »
worn caite »
wear out spíon »
worn out traochta »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
bhí hata orm
I was wearing a hat
is breá liom buataisí arda troma a chaitheamh
I love wearing high heavy boots
éadaí caite
worn clothes
caitheann mionsciortaí
she wears miniskirts
bhí casóg dhubh air
he was wearing a black jcket
orm hata a chaitheamh toisc go bhfuil an ghrian ag taitneamh
I have to wear a hat because the sun is shining
bhain siad díom a raibh umam
they took off everything I was wearing
Bhí brístí gearra ar na buachaillí.
He boys were wearing short trousers.
Bhí de mhisneach aige t-léinte a chaitheamh a bhí chomh teann sin go mbeadh eagla ort go bpollfadh a dhidíní iad.
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
He had the courage to wear t-shirts that were so tight you'd worry his nipples would pierce them.