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suntas suntasach surfáil sursaing suth tábhacht tábhachtach tabhair tábhairne tábla táblóideach taca tacaigh tacaíocht tacar tacas tacht tacóid tacsaí tada tadhaill
tabhair dom an leabhar, le do thoil
give me the book please
ar thug dóthain bia duit?
did I give you enough food?
tabhair an gunna leat
take the gun with you
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
tabhair aghaidh
set out
tugann [duine] aghaidh ar [áit]
[somebody] sets out for [somewhere]
[somebody] heads for [somewhere]
chaith seal i bPáras sular thug aghaidh ar Mheiriceá
he spent some time in Paris before he headed to America
...sular thug siad aghaidh ar a dtithe murtallacha sna bruachbhailte
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
...before they went to their dull houses in the suburbs
tugann [duine] aird ar [rud]
[somebody] pays attention to [something]
níor thug mórán airde air
I didn't pay much attention to it
amanna, tugann na meáin aird ar na cásanna sin, amanna eile thugann
sometimes the media pay attention to those cases, other times they don't
beireann [A] barróg ar [B]
tugann [A] barróg do [B]
[A] gives [B] a hug
[A] hugs [B]
rug barróg air
she gave him a hug
thug barróg dom a bhí lán de chroí
he gave me a heartfelt hug
tugann [duine] aire do [rud]
[somebody] takes care of [something]
bhí uirthi aire a thabhairt don leanbh
she had to take care of the child
tugann [A] comhairle do [B]
[A] advises [B]
[A] gives advice to [B]
tugann siad comhairle do chailíní a bhíonn ag súil le páiste
they give advice to girls who are expecting a child
thug comhairle an-chiallmhar dúinn
she has given us very reasonable advice
tugann [A] cuairt ar [B]
[A] visits [B]
thug cuairt ar m'aintín i Nua-Eabhrac
I visited my aunt in New York
tabhair cuairt orm nuair a bheidh sa tír
visit me when you're in the country
tugann [duine] [rud] faoi deara
[somebody] notices [something]
thug an botún faoi deara
I noticed the mistake
ar thug faoi deara go bhfuil imithe?
have you noticed that she is gone?
tugann [duine] freagra
[somebody] answers
[somebody] gives an answer
chuir ceist orm, ach níor thug freagra
he asked me a question but I didn't answer him
tugann [duine] geall
[somebody] gives a promise
thug geall dom go dtiocfaidh ar ais
he gave me a promise that he would come back
an le [duine]
tugann [duine] an leis
[somebody] wins
meastar go mbeidh an leis
he is expected to win
thug siad an leo
they won
tabhair amach
berate, give ouit
[A] ag tabhairt amach do [B]
[A] berates [B]
thosaigh ag tabhairt amach do Shéamus
she started giving out to Séamus
bhí ag tabhairt amach faoi na fuinneoga briste
she was giving out about the broken windows
tabhair ar
by name
tugann [duine] [ainm] ar [rud]
[somebody] calls [something] [a name]
tugann Úna uirthi féin ach cén t-ainm ceart atá uirthi?
she calls herself Úna but what is her real name?
tabhair ar
somebody do something
tugann [rud] ar [dhuine] [rud a dhéanamh]
[something] makes [somebody] [do something]
cad a thug ort é sin a dhéanamh?
what made you do that?
céard a thug ort an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim?
what made you want to learn Irish?
tabhair ar
set out
on journey
tugann [duine] [áit] air féin
[somebody] sets out [somewhere]
thug siad an sliabh orthu féin
they took to the mountains
d'fhág Conamara agus thug Londain air féin
he left Connemara and took to London
tabhair faoi
set about
launch into
tugann [duine] faoi [rud]
[somebody] starts [something]
tugaimis faoin obair anois
let's start the work now
thug faoin aiste agus bhí críochnaithe agam i gceann dhá uair an chloig
I got down to writing the essay and I had it finished in two hours
raibh am ceart agam le tabhairt faoi go dtí seo
I hadn't had any proper time to get down to it until now
tabhair ó
give up
part with
tugann [duine] [rud] uaidh
[somebody] gives [something] up
chuir iallach uirthi an páiste a thabhairt uaithi
he forced her to give up the child
tabhair ó
a speech
tugann [duine] [caint] uaidh
[somebody] delivers [speech]
íocfar €300 leat as gach léacht a thabharfaidh uait
you will be paid €300 for every lecture you deliver
tugann [duine] tús áite do [rud]
[somebody] gives prominence to [something]
tugann an nuachtán seo tús áite do thuairimí na heite deise
this newspaper gives prominence to right-wing opinions
Is é tabhair an 24ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 279 focal.
Tabhair is the 24th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 279 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
tabharfar liúntas de bhua Alt 279
an allowance will be awarded by virtue of Article 279
thug an leabhar ábhar machnaimh dom
the book gave me food for thought
is leor thugann achoimre dúinn
it will be enough if you just give us a summary
thug siad scoil agus léann domh ar feadh a n-acmhainne
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
they gave me as much education as they could afford
tugadh bata is bóthar dom
I got the sack
I was fired
tabhair bia agus deoch dóibh
give them food and drink
tabhair breis ama
give him more time
thug cead suí síos
I gave him permission to sit down
go mór faoi chomaoin agat as an tacaíocht a thug dom
I am much indebted to you for the support you've given me
i ndáiríre, níor tugadh a lán aithne idirnáisiúnta don phoblacht seo
in fact, this republic did not receive much international recognition
an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead
the person to whom the money was given
thug geallúintí nach raibh in ann a chomhlíonadh
I gave promises I couldn't fulfil
thug muid faoin obair ar bhonn córasach
we approached the work in a systematic manner
thug cuntas dúinn ar a heachtraí san Afraic
she gave us an account of her adventures in Africa
thug duine éigin dom é
somebody gave it to me
tugann dochtúirí cógas dóibh a thugann faoiseamh dóibh ach nach leigheasann iad
doctors give them medicines which give them relief but do not cure them
thug geallúintí nach raibh in ann a chomhlíonadh
I had made promises I wasn't able to keep
thug an t-ollamh léacht shuimiúil
the professor gave an interesting lecture
thug cuairt ar mo mhuintir
I visited my folks
I visited my family
tugadh pardún dóibh
they were given a pardon
thug cuairt ar Virginia le gairid
he visited Virginia recently
Thug bia agus deoch dóibh.
She gave them food an drink.
duit seoladh a thabhairt, ach dhéanann amhlaidh, beidh muid in ann freagra pearsanta a thabhairt.
You do not have to state your address but if you do, we will be able to reply personally.
Beidh in ann leabhra a thabhairt abhaile agus úsáid a bhaint as na ríomhairí.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
You will be able to take books home and make use of the computers.
Thug oideas dom agus fuair an cógas sa gcógaslann ach cuireann an cógas sin tuirse orm.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
She gave me a prescription and I got the medicine in the pharmacy but the medicine makes me tired.
Is féidir leat cúnamh a thabhairt dom leis an stíl agus leis an dath ceart a roghnú.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
You can give me help to choose the style and the right color.
Tabhair gloine oráiste dom, a Mhama.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Give me a glass of orange juice, Mommy.
Tabhair dhá chóipleabhar agus dhá pheann luaidhe dúinn, le do thoil.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Give us two notebooks and two pencils, please.
go maith, tabharfaidh surprise chugat.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
If you behave well, I will give you a surprise.
Bhuel, tabhair an carr seo ann amárach.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
Well, take the car there tomorrow.
An dtugann cabhair ?
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
Does she help him?
Na leanaí a thug slán sinn!
It was the children who saved us!
Seo sampla maith dtiteann amach nuair a thugann amaitéaraigh faoin taighde.
This is a good example of what happens when amateurs undertake the research.
Tabharfaidh ort titim i ngrá liom tar éis dúinn pósadh.
I will make you fall in love with me after we're married!
Ba chloíte an mhaise dom é gan comhairle a thabhairt daoibh.
It was bad of me not to give you advice.
Thabharfadh an leabhar go raibh a chuid gruaige tar éis dul i léithe.
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
She would bet that his hair has gotten greyer.
Thug cuairt ar an chathair sna hochtóidí.
'Beo!', beo.ie
I visited the city in the eighties.
An rud is atá le tabhairt faoi deara ar an dream seo chomh hamaitéarach is a bhí siad.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The biggest thing to notice on these people is how amateurish they were.
Thug an Príomh-Aire le fios do na meáin go raibh ar éirí as.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The Prime Minister announced to the media that he was about to resign.
thug siad tairiscint dom nárbh fhéidir liom eiteach di
they made me an offer I couldn't refuse
Thug an freagra mícheart.
You gave the wrong answer.
Seo an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead .
This is the person to whom the money was given.
Tabhair dom braon uisce, le do thoil.
Give me a drop of water please.
Chuir iachall uirthi an páiste a thabhairt uaithi.
He forced her to give up the child.
Ghabh siad buíochas le Dia as iad a thabhairt slán as an gcontúirt.
They thanked God for saving them from the danger.
Fara aire a thabhairt don leanbh, bhí uirthi an teach a ghlanadh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Along with taking care of the child she had to clean the house.
Thug siad airgead póca di.
'Beo!', beo.ie
They gave her some pocket money.
Thug túr theas an Lárionad Trádála uaidh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The Trade Centre's south tower let go [ie. started collapsing].
Nuair a tugadh mo rogha seomra dom san óstán, d'fhreagraíos go cúramach.
'Beo!', beo.ie
When I was asked what kind of room I wanted in the hotel, I answered carefully.